Custom Verification Integrations Overview
Overview of Harness' integration with custom APM (metrics) and log providers.
Connect to Custom Verification for Custom Logs
Connect Harness to a Custom Logs Provider to have Harness verify the success of your deployments.
Connect to Custom Verification for Custom Metrics
Connect Harness to a Custom Metrics Data Provider to have Harness verify the success of your deployments.
Monitor Applications 24/7 with Custom Logs
Harness 24/7 Service Guard monitors your live applications, catching problems that surface minutes or hours following deployment. For more information, see 24/7 Service Guard Overview. While Harness…
Monitor Applications 24/7 with Custom Metrics
Harness 24/7 Service Guard monitors your live applications, catching problems that surface minutes or hours following deployment. For more information, see 24/7 Service Guard Overview. While Harness…
Verify Deployments with Custom Metrics
This topic describes how to add a custom APM (metrics) verification step in a Harness Workflow. For more information about Workflows, see Add a Workflow. Once you run a deployment and your custom met…
Connect to Datadog as a Custom APM
Currently, Datadog-Harness integration is for Kubernetes deployments only. To use Datadog with other deployment types, such as ECS, use the following example of how to use the Custom Metrics Provider…
Verify Deployments with Datadog as a Custom APM
To solve [problem], [solution] [benefit of feature]. In this topic -- Before You Begin. Step 1 -- Set Up the Deployment Verification. Step 2 -- Metric Collections. Step 3 -- Metrics Name. Step 4 -- Metrics Typ…